Russia for 6.9 cents per
minute, Romania for 8.9 cents per minute, Poland
for 3.9 cents per minute, 2.3 cents per minute
anywhere in the contiguous United States--how
do these rates sound to you? When you do extensive
industry comparisons, you'll find that they are
some of the most competitive you can find anywhere,
and they are offered exclusively through IBNtel,
a leading telecommunications and internet company
with a terrific reputation among "in the know"
IBNtel was founded on the principle
that businesses and customers shouldn't have to
pay inflated rates for excellent service. Other
long distance companies put in a lot of effort
to convince people that their rates are equitable.
However, when you look at the statistics, IBNtel offers far superior plans. With six
second rounding, international call back service,
redialing and reorigination features, and much
more, IBNtel empowers you with more than just
great low rates.
We can put our phone cards to work anywhere in
North America for only 3.9 cents per minute--you
get billed only during months that you actually
use your card. Alternatively, you can get an IBNtel prepaid calling card, also with rates
as low as 2.9 cents per minute domestically. We
charge no surcharges or connection fees, unless
you dial from a public telephone or payphone,
in which case we only add a 75 cent surcharge.
The great convenience, customer support, and
low rates of IBNtel have made our company
a favorite of consumers everywhere. For industry
references, more detailed information on our rate
plans, or just general advice about dialing smartly,
don't hesitate to call 1-888-865-8100. Our website
is also chock-full of useful information on our
long distance services, so pay us a visit at