IBNTel Long Distance
Do you want to stay in touch with your
family and friends anytime, anywhere?
IBNtel is a long distance phone company with available
services in the USA and anywhere around the world. IBNtel
beats by far the other long-distance services when it comes
to international rates and phone calls quality.
Unlike many other companies, IBNtel has no activation
or cancellation fees and no minimum usage requirements.
We bill your domestic and international calls in 6 second
increments. A monthly paper bill will be sent to you at
no extra charge. You can pay your bill by check, money order
or credit card. You can also access your online account
anytime and see all your personal information, your payment
profile, your billing information and much more. For your
convenience you can also pay your bills online.
If you wish to open an account for long distance services
with IBN, you can do so over the phone at 888-865-8100 or
online at www.ibntel.com. All customer service calls are
toll-free, providing phone customer support which is not
available with other companies. Our customer service department
also offers bilingual support in languages such as Spanish,
Russian or Romanian anytime during normal business hours.