IBNtel Long Distance Rates
If you do a simple search on the web
for long distance carriers, you will find several companies
that offer very similar rates. IBNtel is one of those long
distance companies. Some of our competitors actually offer
rates that are cheaper than our 1.7 ¢/min rate. But are
they really? If you visit their web page, the lower advertised
rate is nowhere to be found. Instead, you will find rates
that are higher that what IBNtel is offering. When shopping
for a cheap long distance rate, doing a little extra work
can save you a good amount of money. If you compare our
long distance rates with those or our competitors, we think
you will agree that there aren't many companies out
there that can provide a cheaper rate.
Easy Signup
It is easy to take advantage of cheap long distance rates
when you choose Ibntel as your carrier. Sign up today to
get rates as low as 2.3 cents per minute! No gimmicks! No
hidden fees! Just straightforward cheap long distance rates
and top-notch service!! Call toll free at 1-888-865-8100
or sign up online at www.ibntel.com.