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Save your dollars with the best long distance plans
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Stay connected with a toll free number from IBNtel
Stay in touch while on your dream vacation

Save your dollars with the best long distance plans

Among the systems employed in transmitting messages electronically, ‘Long distance Calling' is a communication system that involves calls handled outside a distinct area code. Placing Long distance calls is mandatory for the growth of your business, and a large amount of American industries are reaping the benefits of it.

It is necessary for a user to know his or her calling patterns and choose a scheme that is best suited to your calling habits. Any average American can take this right decision in selecting the right long distance offer and thus saving his or her hard earned money. An acceptable solution to acquiring the best service, at the cheapest rates, is by choosing alternative providers with care.

Among one such popular service is the IBNtel long distance service. Acquiring a direct dial long distance service through IBNtel is an easy process. The direct dial long distance service doesn't require its customer to dial authorization codes to make a long distance phone call. Besides, the service in addition offers aids such as helping you to keep a check on your call costs and bills.

Further, we also offer to track expenses and control access to phone calls for our clients or their business by employing the IBNtel direct dial long distance service. This service can prevent the abuse and misuse of long distance calls that occur regularly in the world of business. IBNtel offer direct dial long distance rates much lower than 1.7 cents per minute. We also present comfortable monthly billing with appropriate methods of payment.

To learn more about the various wireless plans we have to offer, call us at (888) 865-8100 or visit our website www.IBNtel.com and know for yourself all the benefits you will be able to derive by allowing us to process your application with the wireless provider of your choice.


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