Still don't have a calling card?
A good long distance provider is the key to improving long
distance calling facilities. The expensive pricing of long
distance calling can be well compensated by buying prepaid
calling cards. These calling cards are fast selling and
are available at all leading convenience stores, supermarkets
and online on hundreds of websites. Among prepaid calling
cards, Ibntel calling cards are cheaper and a convenient
way to make long distance calls. These calls are charged
on a prepaid basis, with rates less than six cents per minute.
The prepaid calling card offers customers to use the card,
without area restrictions.
As compared to other cards, a prepaid calling card can
save 54% to 76% on international calling. Prepaid calling
cards are available without toll, with just a slight increase
in the per-minute charges. Also, with prepaid calling cards
customers need extra taxes; as much as they would pay in
the case of their regular telephones or mobile phones to
make long distance international calls.
Calling cards offer mobility and flexibility. Prepaid calling
cards are not specific to a particular cell phone and customers
can make calls from any phone and anywhere. Besides, the
phone doesn’t require having international long distance
calling provisions.
At Ibntel, the prepaid calling card does not have any hidden
charges. Ibntel has a six-second call rounding facility,
with calls rounded up six seconds instead pushed in to the
next minute. Besides Ibntel follows a tariff that is equal
to full sixty seconds, unlike other companies whose minutes
are equal to 53, 54, or 55 seconds. The service is available
with no surcharges, no connection fees, and with rates starting
as long as 1.7 cents per minute. A customer can enquire
about Ibntel prepaid cards at 1-800-865-8100 or sign
up at IBNTel’s website,